Humans are not replaceable in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution!!

Aditya Soni
2 min readJun 6, 2023


You might think that sooner or later AI will replace you, your jobs, or maybe humankind itself if you’ve ever thought about the possibility, read this blog until the end!

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools like ChatGPT are game-changing for any industry, but when compared with human beings, they have a lot of limitations!!

While AI has indeed achieved incredible feats, it is essential to recognize that creativity and human-like thinking are complex aspects that AI struggles to replicate.

Let’s understand the same

Don’t forget our creativity and thinking power have enabled us to make and develop a number of AI tools to make our lives easier, IT’S US WHO MADE THEM !!

There are several limitations that AI currently faces compared to humans.

  1. Lack of Creativity & Thinking: AI algorithms are trained on vast amounts of data, but struggle to generate truly original and imaginative ideas and human beings.
  2. Emotional Intelligence: AI is for humans and but they lack the empathy and emotional intelligence that humans naturally possess.
  3. Real-World Experience: AI knows what you feed them and learn from large datasets, they do not possess personal experiences, intuition, or subjective perspectives that humans bring to the table.
  4. Lack of Common Sense: If you feed AI 2+2=6 it believes and knows that only we humans have a wealth of common sense knowledge that allows them to navigate the world and make logical deductions effortlessly.
  5. Ethical Decision-Making: AI systems lack moral and ethical reasoning abilities. They rely solely on the rules and objectives defined by their creators.
  6. Adaptability: Humans possess an inherent ability to adapt to new situations, learn from them, and generalize that knowledge to different scenarios. AI systems typically require extensive retraining to adapt to new tasks or environments, making them less flexible compared to humans.
  7. Physical Limitations: Without human existence who will use AI or it’s worth exiting? AI exists purely in the digital realm and does not possess physical senses.

Not today but tomorrow these capabilities of AI may enhance but again we have to keep upskilling ourselves and our creativity, then only we can be one step ahead of failing soon one great way to do this is to collaborate with AI.


until next time see you




Aditya Soni

DevOps & Cloud Engineer, Speaker, Mentor, Community Leader, 1 x (AWS, GCP, Azure), 6 x RedHat, CKA, KCNA